What Eye Conditions Need Emergency Care?Feb 06, 2025 Any eye injury can require emergency care. Visible blood in the cornea, scratches, pokes, and more are common eye injuries. Don’t delay eye care because it could result in vision loss.
Understanding Your Treatment Options for Severe Dry EyeJan 08, 2025Severe dry eye can feel like your eyes are a desert. The persistent dryness, burning, or itching can have you looking for dramatic relief. Here are your treatment options:
LASIK Corrective Eye Surgery: Am I a Candidate?Dec 02, 2024LASIK could be for you if you’re ready to see without needing glasses. This popular corrective eye surgery has a 99% success rate and takes only a few minutes.
5 Invaluable Benefits of Routine Diabetic Eye Care VisitsNov 02, 2024Diabetic eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy are a leading cause of adult blindness. Routine eye care visits offer early detection to prevent vision loss.
Keratoconus Management: When is Corneal Cross-Linking the Best Next Step?Oct 04, 2024 Corneal cross-linking strengthens your cornea if you have keratoconus. Age, health, and corneal thickness all play a role in deciding when it’s time for corneal cross-linking.
4 Common Eye Diseases and How to Prevent Them Sep 19, 2024These common eye diseases can cause vision loss if not caught early. Cloudy vision and even eye pain can be symptoms of glaucoma and other eye diseases. Find out more from an eye doctor.
Vision Changes with Age: What’s Normal, and What’s Cause for Concern?Aug 20, 2024Vision changes are a normal part of aging. Yet, you might wonder what’s normal vs. what could relate to an underlying condition. Here’s what you can expect.
5 Signs It's Time to Update Your Corrective Lens PrescriptionJul 24, 2024Squinting and frequent headaches may indicate a need for a new corrective lens prescription. Discover other common symptoms of eyesight problems here.
Myopia Management: 5 Ways to Slow the Progression of NearsightednessJun 19, 2024Nearsightedness is on the rise and can have serious long-term effects. While you may not be able to stop it completely, these adjustments can help prolong your eyesight.
Hard vs. Soft Contacts: Which Lenses are Right for Me?May 28, 2024Do you know the difference between hard and soft contact lenses? Discover their differences and which ones may suit you better.
5 Ways to Ensure Optimal Eye Health After 50Apr 05, 2024Aging eyes and eye diseases can lead to weak vision and even blindness. Protect your eye health with regular eye exams and other healthy habits.
How to Prevent Glaucoma ComplicationsMar 07, 2024Did you know you can have glaucoma and not know it? Here’s how to protect yourself and avoid glaucoma complications from this leading cause of blindness.
When Are Vision Changes an Emergency?Feb 14, 2024If you experience sudden vision changes, it could be an emergency. Pink eyes, burning or stinging eyes, or an accident to or near your eyes are all possible emergencies.
Considering LASIK Surgery? We Answer All of Your QuestionsJan 06, 2024Is LASIK eye surgery right for you? Most people have many questions about this popular procedure and its benefits. Find out who makes a good candidate and what you can expect from LASIK surgery.
Tips for Managing Chronic Dry EyesDec 11, 2023Chronic dry eyes are common, but there’s help. Schedule your appointment today if you suffer from red eyes, stinging, burning, or other dry eye symptoms.
Who's at Risk for Developing Glaucoma?Nov 21, 2023Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness, and there’s no cure. Early detection is critical to saving your sight. Find out the risk factors here.
The Importance of Having an Annual Eye Exam, Even if You Have Perfect VisionOct 27, 2023Your eyes are an essential organ for participating in the world around you, and testing your vision is vital to keeping them healthy. Read on to find out why eye exams matter, even if you have 20/20 vision.
THE WOES OF ORDERING GLASSES ONLINENov 02, 2021As we adapt to this age of social distancing and online shopping, we understand the need to acquire products safely. This need has manifested itself in the way we shop for groceries, clothes, and other everyday essentials.
EYE ALLERGIES | CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, & TREATMENTNov 02, 2021Fall is in the air! Football season is underway and the last of the summer flowers have faded. With all the fun activities autumn brings, fall eye allergies are unfortunately part of the package.
ONLINE EYEWEAR VENDORS: COST EFFECTIVE OR COSTING YOU YOUR EYE HEALTH?Nov 01, 2018Think about this, how much are your eyes worth to you? People will spend an average of $750 a year just to update their phones to the latest and greatest.